Hainan Plastic Inspection Well

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Why is it recommended to use Hainan plastic manhole instead of brick manhole?

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Why is it recommended to use Hainan plastic manhole instead of brick manhole?

Date of issue: 2024-02-19 Author: Click:

The traditional inspection wells mainly use brick wells and reinforced concrete. With the replacement of cement pipes by plastic pipes, the plastic pipes and brick wells have poor sealing, uneven settlement, serious leakage, secondary pollution of groundwater, and serious increase in later maintenance costs and sewage treatment costs.
The traditional brick inspection well has become the main bottleneck affecting the construction of drainage pipes. Its main disadvantages are:
The construction efficiency is low, which has a great impact on the environment and urban traffic, and does not meet the requirements of civilized construction and rapid construction;
Waste resources, use clay bricks to consume valuable land resources and damage fertile land, which is inconsistent with national land and environmental protection policies;
Pollution of the environment, brick inspection wells consume a large amount of energy (standard coal), resulting in a large amount of CO ₂ emissions. At the same time, it is easy to pollute groundwater, block drainage, etc.
The quality stability is poor, and the strength of the brick well is low. Especially at the junction of the plastic pipe and the inspection well, it is easy to leak. According to a research report, the reason for pipeline collapse in quicksand area is firstly the leakage of the interface, and secondly the damage of the inspection well.
The appearance of plastic manhole makes up for the shortcomings of brick manhole and concrete manhole. Its main advantages are:
The components are made of thermoplastics by one-time injection molding, and the material itself has corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and long service life;
It is light in weight and easy to install. The split assembly structure is easy to transport and install. It is convenient for construction and improves work efficiency. It can be constructed all day long. The shaft can be cut and adjusted on site, which is suitable for various installation requirements. The shaft height and drilling on the shaft can be adjusted at will, which reduces the installation cost and greatly improves the construction speed, Brick and other cement module masonry wells cannot be compared.
Energy saving and environmental protection, flexible and convenient connection mode is adopted, with superior water tightness, to prevent rain and sewage leakage, prevent secondary pollution of groundwater, and protect the environment; At the same time, the pipeline and well seat move together and settle evenly, which solves the problem of uneven settlement caused by the traditional brick well and plastic pipeline and prevents the ground from collapsing;
The inner wall is smooth and smooth with a diversion groove, so the dirt is not easy to stay, which reduces the possibility of blockage, and has good drainage performance. The rainwater and sewage drainage efficiency is 1-3 times that of the traditional manhole;
Energy saving and land saving, using polymer resin as processing raw materials can save valuable clay resources, which is in line with the basic national policy of sustainable development of the country;
The comprehensive cost is low and the maintenance cost is less, which is more advantageous than the traditional inspection well; It can be recycled and has huge social benefits. Due to the flexible connection, it is flexible and convenient, and can overcome the harsh construction environment of sand dust and sand ash; It can also overcome the difficulty of repeated insertion due to high road surface.

Website: //wuzhengyi.cn/news/614.html

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