Hainan Plastic Inspection Well

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Company name: Hainan Plastic Industry Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Chen

Tel: 18189796380

Address: 200 meters northeast of Jinshengda, the extension line of Qiuhai Avenue, Longhua District, Haikou

Website: wuzhengyi.cn

HDPE water supply pipe

HDPE water supply pipe

  • Detailed introduction

HDPE water supply pipes refer to rainwater and sewage pipes under municipal roads, commonly known as "sewer pipes", which are usually called municipal drainage pipes in engineering. According to the current situation of facilities under the municipal roads in China, there are generally different pipelines, such as power, communication, gas, water supply and drainage pipelines. As the drainage pipeline considers the measures of separating rainwater and sewage, that is, rainwater is generally discharged into the river nearby and sewage is discharged into the sewage treatment plant, so the municipal drainage pipeline includes rainwater and sewage pipes. Urban motorway, non motorway, sidewalk, public parking lot, square, pipeline corridor and safety passage, shoulder, guardrail, street signs, land for road construction and road greening control and other ancillary facilities of the road.

 Hainan municipal pipe pvc

 Hainan Municipal Pipeline

Website: //wuzhengyi.cn/product/580.html

key word: Pvc municipal pipe production , Pvc municipal pipe structure , PVC municipal pipe brand

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