Hainan Plastic Inspection Well

contact us

Company name: Hainan Plastic Industry Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Chen

Tel: 18189796380

Address: 200 meters northeast of Jinshengda, the extension line of Qiuhai Avenue, Longhua District, Haikou

Website: wuzhengyi.cn


  • Detailed introduction

As the auxiliary facilities of the urban inspection shaft, the ladder has been made of steel bars for a long time. However, under many adverse environmental conditions, such as inspection wells, tunnels, chemical enterprises, rainy and humid occasions, traditional metal ladders are easily rusted, affecting the safety of use, and their service life is also short. With the rapid development of China's economy and urban infrastructure, the demand for various new building materials is also increasing. As an auxiliary facility of the urban inspection shaft, the ladder material has been made of steel bars for a long time. However, under many adverse environmental conditions, such as inspection wells, tunnels, chemical enterprises, rainy and humid occasions, traditional metal ladders are easily rusted, affecting the safety of use, and their service life is also short.

According to the use characteristics of ladder products, a new type of high-end composite material widely used internationally has been developed and produced to enhance thermosetting FRP composite ladder, which completely overcomes many defects of metal ladder.

 Hainan Ladder

 Hainan Ladder

Website: //wuzhengyi.cn/product/608.html

key word: Hainan ladder installation , Hainan ladder production , Hainan Ladder Design

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